CAL-pHIX may be used on all growing crops. Soil applications should be madeat 1 to 3 gallons per acre early in the season for best results. The use of CAL-pHIX may raise soil pH from its use. HAY, ALFALFA, and PASTURES: Apply broadcast at the rate of 3-5 gallons per acre, one applocator per season either alone or in combination with nitrogen solution.
This will clean buildup of chemicals in your tank, boom and hoses.
pH-AGRA and Liquid Gypsum is calcium carbonate and a very good cleaner that will clean your system so this procedure will allow your system to start clean and spray clean. This procedure need only be applied once a year. It is for buildup of residue in the spray system.
If sprayer is new then disregard this notice. Load and Spray.